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Sweet Search
Every Web site in SweetSearch has been evaluated by our research experts.

Duck Duck Go

We believe in better search and real privacy at the same time. That's why we don't track you.

iSeek - Education

iSeek is a targeted search engine for students and educators.

Kartoo is a visual meta search engine, "with visual display interfaces. When you do a search and click on OK, Kartoo launches the query to a set of search engines, gathers the results, compiles them and represents them in a series of interactive maps through a proprietary algorithm." More simply put, Kartoo puts its results on an interactive, visual map for you to play with. Kartoo is a metacrawler/metasearch engine, which means that it does not come up with its own results, but aggregates the results of many other search engines. (
"'s innovative search technologies deliver fast and relevant information for millions of people every day." -
