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Hello & Welcome!

Weekly updates can be found in the menu on the left depending what you want to know: 

                              *Announcements  = general information about school that applies to 6th graders 
                              *6 Math = Lesson Plans & Assignments 
                              *6 Language Arts = Lesson Plans & Assignments 

Every Monday/the first day of the week we have homeroom your child will fill out a "GRADE CHECKS" chart to make sure they are staying on top of their work in EVERY class. My homeroom students need to get this signed by me before they leave and will bring it home to be signed by you. I don't expect this to be returned to me; it's more of an accountability/communication tool between you and your child. 

Meet the Teacher

Just a reminder anything your child will need is in the top bar of the website under "Student Resources".

 Most of their homework will be found on Schoology or here. 

If you have any comments or questions, don’t hesitate to contact me by email:

Mrs. Scheck


Contact: Kayleen Scheck